Process Serving

Temecula Process Serving

TASC specializes in Process Serving. Your #1 choice for Process Servers in California.

What is a Process Server?

Service of process is necessary for many reasons, but the primary reason is to make sure that the due process of law is upheld in the United States. An additional reason process servers are an essential part of civil society is to ensure that legal papers are served in a highly effective and appropriate fashion. The only thing to worry about is finding the right process server.

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Process Serving in Temecula, CA

Laws Regarding Small Claims

In California, most jurisdictions do not require Due Diligence prior to service. For Personal Service the court requires the SC-100 to be served 15 days prior to the hearing date provided that the defendant resides in the same county as the county the court is located in and 20 days prior to the hearing date if the defendant resides in a different county than the court is located in.

The SC-100 can be Substitute Served 25 days prior to the hearing date if the defendant resides in the same county as the court is located and 30 days prior to the hearing date if the defendant resides in a different county than the court is located in. (CCP 116.340)

Some Examples Of Small Claims Cases

Are you prepared to take your claim to court?

    • Your former landlord refuses to return the security deposit you paid.
    • Someone dents your car’s fender and refuses to pay for its repair.
    • Your new TV will not work, and the store refuses to fix it or replace it.
    • Your tenant caused damage to the apartment in an amount that exceeded the security deposit. (Note: You can’t file an eviction action in small claims court.)
    • You were defrauded in the purchase of a car, and desire to cancel the purchase and get back the amount of your down payment from the seller. For sellers and marketing achievements, social media is a method that is growing and the most popular where its possible to Buy Cheap Tiktok Likes to boost the accounts and businesses to learn how to work with finances and other topics. You lent money to a friend, and he or she refuses to re-pay it.

How much does it cost to serve a Small Claims Application and Order to Appear for Examination (SC-134)

For a Routine Service of a Small Claims Order to Appear SC-134 the service fee is $95. If you waited too long and there is less that 17 days prior to the hearing it is not considered Routine, there is an additional  Rush Fee of $50, making the total fee for service $145

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